Software Incubator, Consultancy and Investment Shop in Austin TX

Putting Our Experience to Work

Ideas abound, industries and hot trends come and go.
Yet what remains constant is the need for sound, practical, innovative engineering and operational know-how.

NextRev was born from two technologists who love to put their experience to work, having helped steer products from concept to exit such as PeopleAdmin and ShippingEasy.

Whether in incubation, partnership or acquisition, we bring a wealth of experience and skills:

Design / UX

We believe that great UX is finding the right product experience for your specific customers.


Languages and frameworks change, but good fundamentals remain the same - honed from 20 years experience.

Operations and Scaling

We know that what gets you from user 1 to 100 won't get you to user 1,000,000.


We've guided multiple platforms through acquisition, diligence, and closing.


Wisdom and experience to pursue the right opportunities at the right time.


Vast experience building, managing and expanding teams of all sizes.

Featured Product


Launched Fall 2018

A process mangement tool to stay informed and stay ahead, allowing teams to:

  • Schedule and Assign Chores
  • Build Chore History and Learnings
  • Receive Customized Alerts and Notifications
  • Use Slack to Directly Interact with Chores
Learn More
TeamChores helps teams stay ahead of their processes

NextRev Team

Barry Cox


Nick Krupa


Get In Touch

We'd love to talk about product ideas, partnerships or acquisition opportunities.

Just drop us a line below to get in touch:

ping (at)